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Fact Check: Walter Ino

Yinz World Podcast

1. Secret Asian Man Studios - Walter’s Studio Where He Is A Producer 

2. Bethany and Walter’s Friend Tori Fulkerson

  • Bethany mentions sneaking into one of Walter’s shows to see her friend Tori play in the band “I Need This”. Tori Fulkerson is now involved in two separate music projects, Fleetwood Macramé and Also Proud Mary: A Creedence Queerwater Revival. Both are based in San Francisco, CA. Links to the Fleetwood Macramé website and the Proud Mary facebook page are linked below.

  • Fleetwood Macramé 

  • Proud Mary: A Creedence Queerwater Revival  

3. Walter references his early performances in The King and I, starring Yul Brynner. 

  • The King and I is the fifth musical by the team of Rodgers and Hammerstein. The musical's plot relates the experiences of Anna, a British schoolteacher who is hired as part of the King's drive to modernize his country. The relationship between the King and Anna is marked by conflict through much of the piece, as well as by a love to which neither can admit. A link to the commercial for the musical from 1985 can be found here

4. Name of Gene's cover band Walter played with at Oakland Cafe with ShoNuff?

  • Walter talks about when he first started playing keyboards with bands and references a friend Gene’s cover band but couldn’t remember the name. The name of the band is “Loose Booty”. 

5. Walter plays a song at the end of the episode called "Wait to See What Happens."

  • The song Walter played at the end of this episode, called “Wait to See What Happens”, is off the album “Turn It On” by his band “Strangeway”. A link to the album can be found here



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